Evolutionary selection permeates the consciousness of members
of a species at a level higher than the individuals themselves. Everyone comes
into awareness about the selection pressures and adaptations taking place
across their population. This happens independently of who they happen to be.
Awareness of “life”, being alive, what it takes to survive,
exist in each individual even when they lack it in some perceived manner e.g.
being unattractive, having low self-esteem, being a failure. Indeed, it’s what
enables self-deprecation and sometimes suicide based on some of these beliefs
in an individual.
Each individual is not out for themselves, with the
selection pressure encouraging them
to succeed, but rather they are out for the collective they are part of,
whether they realise it or not, whether they like it or not. It is detrimental
to individuals to feel bad about themselves. However, this is the effect of
collective selection.
Individuals therefore place themselves within that spectrum
of being alive and aligned with the path of survival and reproduction – the literal
path, and the ever-increasing figurative path in humans. Indeed, they aim to
become increasingly aligned.
Eusociality is a popular example of altruistic behaviour
with most individuals being unable to reproduce even if they wanted to. Despite
e.g. humans being able to reproduce,
the perception alone that they may not be worthy is enough to prevent them.
This awareness develops acutely during puberty, and causes
the associated angst regarding one’s identity, value and place amongst others.
Of course, as the selection pressures and direction of evolution itself
changes, a delicate balance must be struck between meeting established ideals
of survival, and being part of creating
new ones through our own initiative and behaviour.
Individuals are therefore placed to constantly gauge the extent
to which they may influence the evolutionary pathways of life, versus
themselves being influenced by the established path. This is seen with people
bargaining for their positions in the collective: balancing their perceived
unattractiveness with increased service to others; increased humour or other
valued features by established standards. Hence, a hybrid phenotype evolves
that carries over an originally negative connotation by associating with an
established positive connotation.
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